Target Savings

Goal-oriented Savings

Reach all your unique savings goals individually, or as a group. Earn up to 12% p.a.

Save towards multiple goals

Target Savings helps you get there faster. You can even team up with others to reach a collective target.

Your target(s), your rules

Customise the rules and duration of your target savings as you wish. From public mode, automated savings, to multiple targets, you’re in control.

Save with a group

Challenge yourself to meet your goals by saving towards a common goal with a group. No one has access to your funds but you.

Daily interest accrued

Earn 12% per annum to help you reach your goal faster. Think of it as a reward for meeting your target.

Saving ‘just because’ is great, but saving for something special is a lot of fun.

Got a savings goal in mind? We’ll help you reach it! Saving for a new phone? Check. Dad’s surprise birthday? Check. A new car, special vacation? Check and check. Target Savings helps you reach all your savings goals easily and faster.